Reddit Bot Upvote Free 2018 - The Most Powerful Marketing Tools

Recent communication through Instagram and Reddit is becoming a trend. Ms. Na also has a swimming pool, there are also some experiences should write a sharing experience so that the countrymen can swim themselves to the sea to play with people. Actually, Instagram and Reddit are lucrative, marketing here is generic, you can:
  • Sales, product introduction.
  • Promote your website, services and products.
  • And so on ...
Of course, some of the tricks like "Coupon Code", "Coupon Code" will make your service look better. Come to Ba Na to discover the marketing method through this powerful Reddit channel.

What is Reddit? Why choose Reddit?

New to Reddit?

Do not be surprised, you are not backward. Due to the fact that many Vietnamese do not know Reddit.
Reddit is a social network or a community where many members share and discuss a topic. Reddit is a combination of extremely diverse subreddit.

What is Reddit with Facebook?

Uhh, so subreddit is like the Facebook group, right?

Should you spend time surfing and learning Reddit?

Maybe you know!

In May 2018, Reddit surpassed Facebook as the most popular site in the United States. This has caused tremendous changes, for the first time in a decade, Reddit has made marketers extremely eager to develop effective strategies to exploit extremely high-quality user base. This.
In April 2018, Reddit reached 330 million monthly active users, the equivalent of Twitter. The average user spends more than 15 minutes a day on Reddit, with an average of 6p25 seconds.

The average user time on Reddit is the highest among other popular sites.

Why say Reddit is the most powerful marketing channel on the Internet?

  • Reddit helps you get a lot of traffic to your website.
  • Reddit helps bring your product or merk to more people.
Traffic from Reddit is very good quality, as long as the content you have good or relevant and I believe your post will be noticed.
However, there are always two sides in life. What is good is hard to eat. There are two things you need to know when marketing through Reddit.
  • How to feed Reddit to meet conditions are post links on Reddit
  • Hit the upvote of 1 post - the most important factor.
Now we will go deep into the content of this article, I will guide both ways to acc to meet the conditions to post links and avoid eating.

B. How to raise acc and earn points to post.

Reddit accounts require a certain level of TRUST, almost the same as farming Facebook but simpler. You only need to know two things before reading this section:
  • Account created after 7 days is allowed post link.
  • Each subreddit usually specifies 1 account needs a minimum number  karma- the form as the point to be posted.

Search karma where?

With the new account, you can only get eksekusi alam through the comment, the point will be in the comment karma.

Quick Tips eksekusi alam comment super fast:

Step 1: Visit this subreddit:
Step 2: Comment with the content below as many posts as possible, remember vote post with the comments of the other. Content like:
Done, and will upvote all comments. I need comment karma. Please return favor 🙂

Meaning: "I just upvote all of our comments. I need to comment karma. Vote back to me. That way, you will get a vote from them and your eksekusi alam comment will increase.
Note: Do not comment on the first post in subreddit / FreeKarma4U, do not be banned straight.

Tips eksekusi alam post super fast.

Step 1: Go to this subreddit:
Step 2: Up the cute dog kitten picture.
Step 3: Waiting for the vote is karma.

Actual example, I just posted 41 minutes (self-posted as a demo always give it quality: v):

Done, earn about 50 eksekusi alam is enough TRUST for your account. Apply the same for a series of accounts because through 2 you need a lot of accounts to seed the Post you post.
In general it is easy and time consuming, because when you post to aww then many people upvote your items, 1-3 days range is acc that enough TRUST.

C. How to increase the upvote of a post:

You need to pay attention to two basic things in this section:

  • Almost like Facebook, only the user can downvote your post. So please post the truth or have the content they need if you do not want to get downvote unfairly.
  • Reddit also has a HOT - TRENDING - NEW section, ... Usually when you go to a subreddit, Sort with HOT is the default, ie the most upvote will start. This is a decisive factor.

I will provide a tool to help you upvote post easily. You need:

  • The list of many reddit full TRUST account was guided in part B: how to farm Reddit.
  • Proxy list if you run one time more than 5 Reddit account (proxy need to buy, list free below to demo test for brothers). When running real free proxy is used to die for a lot of acc.
  • In this article, I will email this software.
Watch the video tutorial below on how to get a free proxy and how to use the software.
Software developed by BHW, peace of mind is 100% clean, I have tested on virustotal and are always use. Here is the software interface:

Captions in software:

  • Reddit Posts (1 URL per line): Every post reddit is a line. You copy the post reddit you want to seed, paste and then Enter. So, paste a lot of links and then click Start Voting.
  • Bots are upvoting posts, please wait (it's working underground).

How to get this software FULL version:

You comment below, I will email you each. Note: comment makes sense and do not swear it is.

Some tips and notes with this guide:

  • Reddit has many child subreddit, you can share content or link up many different subreddit.
  • This is an account clone, so the password is skipped. Avoid the case of filling in the real password software.
  • Brothers run with proxy should buy proxy to run, free proxy is vulnerable to reddit block mass account network.

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